CINS/FINS Community Counseling
What is Community Counseling?
Community Counseling is a delinquency prevention program designed to work with youth ages 6-17 years of age who are at risk of ending up in the juvenile justice system. These youth have not yet been convicted of a crime, but they may skip school, be runaways, and/or refuse to listen to their parents or guardians. In most cases, these out-of-control behaviors are due to family problems, interpersonal problems and/or academic challenges or unaddressed learning disabilities.
In more formal terms, these youth are considered truant and ungovernable. Community Counseling is funded by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice through the Florida Network of Youth and Family Services.
What Services are Provided Through Community Counseling?
Services are provided to youth and their families in the home or other appropriate location such as the youth’s school. Once a family is approved for Community Counseling, services include:
One on one counseling sessions with the youth
Teaching conflict resolution skills
Working on effective communication skills
Practicing goal setting techniques
Connecting the family to community resources, if needed
Truancy statute enforcement
Bilingual services are available, and Community Counseling is free for eligible families.
What is the Process to Get My Child into Community Counseling?
YFA will conduct an intake screening with the youth and parent or guardian to discuss the underlying issues and determine eligibility. Once approved, a YFA case manager will conduct a comprehensive child and family assessment (the “intake” process) and develop a plan to address the family’s challenges. Community counseling and case management services typically last for 90 days as the case manager works with the child and family. Aftercare planning is also included, with the youth and parents/guardians being given recommendations for ongoing self-help.
For more information, email us at familyhelp@yfainc.org. For more information on the CINS/FINS process, please click here.
CINS/FINS Community Counseling
Serving Pasco, Hernando, Sumter and Citrus Counties
Telephone: 727-835-4166
Serving Polk, Hardee and Highlands Counties
Telephone: 727-835-4166